Urban Hack in Kalush, 01-03 of May 2025
For team members and teamleads.
Team leads will be hand picked and there will be 3 leads coming from Estonia or Europe and 2 leads from Ukraine. Team lead position is payed.
Deadline for team leads: 31.03.2025
Deadline for participants: 05.04.2025
What is Urban Hack?
Urban Hack is a two day hackathon that aims to bring people of different backgrounds together around one table to discuss complex urban challenges in an inclusive and democratic way.
Open Call for UREHERIT Urban Hack in Kalush for participants and team leads
This public open call is for architects, urbanists, urban activists, visual artists, local residents and architecture students or other interested parties that would like to contribute to the urban rejuvenation and heritage protection in Ukraine by participating in a participatory “Urban Hack” in the city of Kalush on 01-03.05.2025.
The Kalush Urban Hack will operate in three scales, focusing on a former kindergarten and its grounds (1.3 ha), the surrounding neighborhood, as well as the general housing situation in Kalush. The former kindergarden building will be turned into housing for Internally Displaced People (IDP). The Hack will result in a joint vision and recommendations for action for Kalush. Her Urban Hack focuses on mapping the challenges related to resilient groups, especially IDP-s and women, and proposing spatial solutions to these challenges.
Her Urban Hack Format
Urban Hack is a tested format for participatory planning and local development using a multi-stakeholder approach. During the Urban Hack a diverse set of local stakeholders (municipal politicians, architects, developers, entrepreneurs, representatives of state agencies and the local community) come together to discuss local contested spatial issues, build trust between stakeholders, make concrete joint proposals for improving the common living environment. The results of Urban Hack are always non-binding.
In Kalush the Urban Hack methodology will integrate elements of the Her City Toolbox. A participatory approach mainstream intersectional perspectives in the urban development process. Like the Urban Hack, Her City applies a multi-stakeholder approach to local development and provides tools for involving societal groups that stand far from the traditional decision making process such as girls, young women, IDPs etc. By collecting data, analysing needs and visualising solutions together with local communities, we get cost-efficient, sustainable solutions that support decision makers and inform the decision making process.
The fast paced nature of the Hack allows for visionary illustrations and rapid prototyping of developing scenarios for a particular territory. The final product may vary – sketches and drawings in presentation format, a brief for an architectural/urban planning competition, a Youtube video recording or a series of radio shows. However, the final result will include visualisation for Kalush and recommendation for action.
The Urban Hack is organized by the Estonian Association of Architects, NGO Ro3kvit Urban Coalition for Ukraine in cooperation with Shared City Foundation, CO-HATY and the city of Kalush. The hack is part of a series of 4 Urban Hacks in Ukraine within the scope of the European cultural project “UREHERIT”, funded by the European Union, with additional funding from ESTDEV – Estonian Centre for International Development, Republic of Estonia Ministry of Culture and Swedish Institute.
¹ Urban Hack (formerly called Urban Forums) is a participatory planning methodology by Estonian Association of architects, with the first Urban Forum held in 2009.
² Her City is a joint urban development initiative managed by Shared City Foundation and UN-Habitat (the United Nations Human Settlements Programme.
Who we are looking for?
people living in Kalush
representatives from Kalush municipality
urbanists and architecture students
Civil society
organisations and activists
local companies and business owners
What to expect?
2 Days
+ pre-event the day before
5 Teams
participants from different backgrounds
5 Mentors
every team has its international or local mentor
1 Urban Problem
dealing with 1 complex urban challenge
Interesting discussions
socializing during and after workshop